1-20 of 225 matches of 32810 nodes total |
Match 1 |
id name |
00-AAA-a Mandinka + Khasonka |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
outer language |
notes |
manding-W., in [51=] Français: malinké-W., part of mandingo+bambara |
lsrCountry |
Gambia; Senegal; Guinea-Bissau; Guinea; Mali |
scale |
6* |
ISO-639 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GM Gambia
| af•w•SN Senegal
| af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
| af•w•GN Guinea
| af•w•ML Mali
Match 2 |
id name |
00-AAA-aa Mandinka-Kango |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
mandinga, mandingo-NW., sose-N., in [51=] Français: malinké-NW. |
lsrCountry |
Gambia; Senegal; Guinea-Bissau |
scale |
100.000 – 1.000.000 |
ISO-639 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GM Gambia
| af•w•SN Senegal
| af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
Match 3 |
id name |
00-AAA-aac Woyinko |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
dialect |
lsrCountry |
Guinea-Bissau |
scale |
100.000 – 1.000.000 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
Match 4 |
id name |
00-AAA-aad Bilaso |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
dialect |
lsrCountry |
Guinea-Bissau |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
Match 5 |
id name |
00-AAA-ab Sijanka-Kango |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
sijanka, sidyanka, sidyanké |
lsrCountry |
Guinea-Bissau; Senegal; Gambia |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
| af•w•SN Senegal
| af•w•GM Gambia
Match 6 |
id name |
00-AAA-ae Jakhanka-Kango |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
jakhanka, jaxanka, jahanka, dyaxanka, jahanqué, jahonqué, in [51=] Français: diakkanké, diakhanké, dyakhanké, dyakanké ⊕ Boké... |
lsrCountry |
Guinea; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau |
scale |
10.000 – 100.000 |
ISO-639 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GN Guinea
| af•w•GM Gambia
| af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
Match 7 |
id name |
00-AAA-bak Toro |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
dialect |
notes |
toro-ga, toro-ke community ⊕ Bissandougou>NE. |
lsrCountry |
Guinea (Kankan) |
GeoEntity |
af•w•GN Guinea
Match 8 |
id name |
00-BAA-a Soninke |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
outer language |
lsrCountry |
Mauritania; Senegal; Burkina Faso; Côte d'Ivoire; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau; France |
scale |
1.000.000 – 10.000.000 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•MR Mauritania
| af•w•SN Senegal
| af•w•BF Burkina Faso
| af•w•CI Côte d’Ivoire
| af•w•GM Gambia
| af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
| eu•w•FR France
Match 9 |
id name |
00-BAA-aa Soninke-A. |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
aswanik, gadyaga, marka, markanka, serahuli, silabe, including diawara, in [51=] Français: soninké, sarakolé, sarawulé, toubakaï, wakoré ⊕ Sélibaby... Ayoun-el-Atrous... Néma... southwards & eastwards |
lsrCountry |
Mauritania (Guidimaka; Hodh Gharbi; Hodh Charki); Senegal (Ferlo; Sénégal-Oriental); Mali (Kayès; Bamako); Burkina Faso; Côte d'Ivoire; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau; Guinea; migration > France |
scale |
1.000.000 – 10.000.000 |
ISO-639 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•MR Mauritania
| af•w•SN Senegal
| af•w•ML Mali
| af•w•BF Burkina Faso
| af•w•CI Côte d’Ivoire
| af•w•GM Gambia
| af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
| af•w•GN Guinea
| eu•w•FR France
Match 10 |
id name |
00-DFA-aa Bisa |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
bissa |
lsrCountry |
Burkina Faso (Est: Boulgou; Zoundweogo) |
scale |
100.000 – 1.000.000 |
ISO-639 |
GeoEntity |
af•w•BF Burkina Faso
Match 11 |
id name |
00= MANDIC phylozone |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
zone |
grouping |
phylo |
notes |
covers the "Mande" grouping (part of the "Congo-Kordofanian", "new Niger-Congo" hypothesis; and part of the "Mande+Songhai" hypothesis); comprising 4 sets of languages (= 35 outer languages) spoken by communities within or around the Niger basin of West Africa: 00-A MANDINKA+ MENDE 00-B SONINKE+ SOROGAMA 00-C SEMBLA+ JUNG 00-D DAN+ SYA |
lsrCountry |
Burkina Faso; Côte d'Ivoire; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Mali; Mauritania; Nigeria; Senegal; Sierra Leone |
scale |
10.000.000 – 100.000.000 |
ISO-639 |
Mande languages
GeoEntity |
af•w•BF Burkina Faso
| af•w•CI Côte d’Ivoire
| af•w•GM Gambia
| af•w•GH Ghana
| af•w•GN Guinea
| af•w•GW Guinea-Bissau
| af•w•LR Liberia
| af•w•ML Mali
| af•w•MR Mauritania
| af•w•NG Nigeria
| af•w•SN Senegal
| af•w•SL Sierra Leone
Match 12 |
id name |
03-AAA-eg Mbai |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 00-04.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
mbay, moissala-mbai, mbay-moissala, sara-mbai, bai ⊕ Moissala environs |
lsrCountry |
Chad (Moyen-Chari); Cameroon; Central African Rep. |
scale |
100.000 – 1.000.000 |
ISO-639 |
GeoEntity |
af•c•TD Chad
| af•c•CM Cameroon
| af•c•CF Central African Republic
Match 13 |
id name |
08-AAB-di Mohisa |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 0-Zones 05-09.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
mohissa |
lsrCountry |
Botswana (Central) |
GeoEntity |
af•s•BW Botswana
Match 14 |
id name |
14-FBA-aia Orma-A. |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 1-Zones 10-14.pdf |
lsrType |
dialect |
notes |
wardey, wardai, uardai, warday, wardei, including barareta, bararetta ⊕ Tana River... Garissa districts |
lsrCountry |
(Eastern; North Eastern; Coast); also (Sidamo) |
GeoEntity |
af•e•KE Kenya
| af•e•ET Ethiopia
Match 15 |
id name |
14-GAG-ab Af-'iise |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 1-Zones 10-14.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
af-ciise, 'iise, issa, isa, ise ⊕ Zeila coast... Ahmar foothills (Diredawa) |
lsrCountry |
Djibouti; Somalia/Somaliland (Hargeisa); Ethiopia (Harerge) |
GeoEntity |
af•e•DJ Djibouti
| af•e•SO Somalia
| af•e•ET Ethiopia
Match 16 |
id name |
14-GAG-ad Af-Isaaq |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 1-Zones 10-14.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
isaaq, af-isaq, isxaaq, issaag, is'hak, ishak, ishaak ⊕ Berbera coast... Ogaden desert |
lsrCountry |
Somalia/Somaliland (Hargeisa); Ethiopia (Harerge) |
GeoEntity |
af•e•SO Somalia
| af•e•ET Ethiopia
Match 17 |
id name |
28-FAB-aa Garama |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 2-Zones 25-29.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
⊕ Katherine-SW.... displaced to Delissatown |
lsrCountry |
Australia (N.T.) |
scale |
1 – 100 |
GeoEntity |
au Australia
Match 18 |
id name |
34-BAA Sera + Sissano |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 3-Zones 30-34.pdf |
lsrType |
net |
Match 19 |
id name |
34-BAA-b Sissano |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 3-Zones 30-34.pdf |
lsrType |
outer language |
notes |
⊕ Sissano lagoon... ¶ coastal communities destroyed or devastated by seismic sea-wave in 1998; survivors evacuated |
lsrCountry |
Papua New Guinea (Sandaun) |
scale |
1.000 – 10.000 |
GeoEntity |
oc•pac•ME•PG Papua New Guinea
Match 20 |
id name |
34-BAA-ba Sissano-A. |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 3-Zones 30-34.pdf |
lsrType |
inner language |
notes |
sisano, sinano, sinama, aissano ⊕ Sissano... |
lsrCountry |
Papua New Guinea (Sandaun) |
scale |
1.000 – 10.000 |
GeoEntity |
oc•pac•ME•PG Papua New Guinea
1-20 of 225 matches of 32810 nodes total |