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1-10 of 109 matches of 32810 nodes total

Match 1
ID a & Name b 40-AAA-akd Euskara-Argentina
Zone f pdf
Page g 332
LSName h euskara-argentina
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
GeoEntity C 1 Argentina
Match 2
ID a & Name b 40= EUSKARIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 331
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers "Basque" or "Euskarian" isolated set; comprising 1 set of 1 outer language spoken by communities in maritime western Europe, situated across the western end of the Pyrenees mountain-range: 40-A EUSKARA
Scale o 5
1 Set • 1 Chain • 1 Net • 1 OuterLanguage • 12 InnerLanguages • 38 Dialects • 1 ISO-639-Relative
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-euq Basque
GeoEntity C 1 Spain | France | Argentina | Chile | Costa Rica | Mexico | Uruguay | United States
Match 3
ID a & Name b 50-ABA-a Cymraeg
Zone f pdf
Page g 387
LSName h Cymraeg
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k no
Notes l y gymraeg, iaith gymraeg, "welsh", "cymric", in [50=] Gaeilge (Irish): breatnais, in [51=] Français: gallois, cymrique, kymrique; including a wide range of local forms of the language-name: cymraig, cymrêig, cwmrâg, cymrâg, cymrêg, etc. bilingual < [52=] English # the traditional English name "Welsh" is derived from Old English walh =«Celtic or Roman foreigner», and a case can be made for the promotion of "Cymric" as a more appropriate name in English ¶ after strong survival throughout Wales until the 19th century, there was a steady decline in the number and proportion of Welsh-speakers throughout the 20th century, a trend arrested and reversed in the younger generation by the institutionalisation of Welsh as a co-official language in Wales (Welsh Language Act, 1967) and by its strong promotion in education and the media ➤ strong lexical links (cognates plus loans) with [51=] Latin 𝒮 from c.650: Latin script
Script n Latin
Scale o 5
4 InnerLanguages • 16 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-1-Language-cy Welsh
GeoEntity C 1 United Kingdom | Argentina | United States
Match 4
ID a & Name b 50-ABA-abf Cymraeg-Y-Wladfa
Zone f pdf
Page g 387
LSName h cymraeg-y-wladfa
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l "patagonian welsh", in [51=] Español: galés patagón bilingual < [51=] Español ⊕ Patagonia, (in Cymraeg) Y Wladfa: Chubut lower valley: Gaimán... Trelew... Rawson; Golfo Nuevo coast... Puerto Madryn, Porth Madrun; Chubut, Camwy upper valleys: Leleque... Esquel ¶ settlement from different par ts of Wales (and Welsh speakers from Liverpool) between 1865 & 1914
Scale o 3
GeoEntity C 1 Argentina
Match 5
ID a & Name b 50-ABA-ac Cymraeg-N.
Zone f pdf
Page g 387
LSName h cymraeg-N.
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l cymraeg y gogledd, "welsh-N.", "cymric"-N., "northwalian welsh", perjorative 'iaith y gogs', (obsolete) gwyndodeg, "venedotian"
Scale o 5
5 Dialects
GeoEntity C 1 United Kingdom | Argentina
Match 6
ID a & Name b 50= CELTIC phylozone
Zone f pdf
Page g 385
LSType i zone
Grouping j phylo
IsNotional k no
Notes l covers the "Celtic", "Gaelic+ Welsh" or Gaeilge+ Cymraeg set, part of the "Indo-European" intercontinental affinity; comprising 1 set of languages (= 5 outer languages) spoken by communities in insular and maritime northwestern Europe, from the Hebridean islands to the Breton peninsula: 50-A GAEILGE+ CYMRAEG The internal unity of the [50=] Celtic set appears less close than that of other sets in this phylosector, and there may be a case for regarding the [50=] Gaeilge+ Gàidhlig (Gaelic) and [50=] Cymraeg+ Brezhoneg (Britannic) chains as separate components of the Indo-European intercontinental affinity.
Scale o 6
1 Set • 3 Chains • 4 Nets • 5 OuterLanguages • 23 InnerLanguages • 74 Dialects • 12 ISO-639-Relatives
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-5-Collective-cel Celtic
GeoEntity C 1 France | Ireland | United Kingdom | Argentina | Australia | Canada | United States
Match 7
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-ab Galego
Zone f pdf
Page g 390
LSName h galego
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l galleg, gallego, "galician" translingual < [51=] Español
Scale o 6
4 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-1-Language-gl Galician
GeoEntity C 1 Spain | Argentina
Match 8
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-abd Galego-Argentina
Zone f pdf
Page g 390
LSName h galego-argentina
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l ⊕ Buenos Aires
GeoEntity C 1 Argentina
Match 9
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-bb Español-F.
Zone f pdf
Page g 391
LSName h español-F.
LSType i inner language
IsNotional k no
Notes l español académico, lingua castellana, "formal castillian spanish", "literary castillian", "standard castillian"
Scale o 8
2 Dialects
ISO-639 A 1 ISO-639-1-Language-es Spanish
GeoEntity C 1 Spain | Morocco | Western Sahara | Equatorial Guinea | Cuba | Puerto Rico | Dominican Republic | United States Virgin Islands | British Virgin Islands | Trinidad and Tobago | Mexico | Belize | Guatemala | El Salvador | Honduras | Nicaragua | Costa Rica | Panama | Venezuela | Colombia | Ecuador | Peru | Chile | Bolivia | Paraguay | Uruguay | Argentina | Philippines
Match 10
ID a & Name b 51-AAA-bbb Americano-F.
Zone f pdf
Page g 391
LSName h americano-F.
LSType i dialect
IsNotional k no
Notes l español académico americano, castellano americano, "formal american spanish" 𝒮 Mexican model
GeoEntity C 1 Costa Rica | El Salvador | Guatemala | Honduras | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Argentina | Bolivia | Chile | Colombia | Ecuador | Paraguay | Peru | Uruguay | Venezuela | Cuba | Dominican Republic | Puerto Rico

1-10 of 109 matches of 32810 nodes total

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