id name |
79-AAA-b Pu-Tong-Hua |
pdf |
./ls/pdf/master/OL-SITE 1999-2000 MASTER ONE Sectors 7-Zones 75-79.pdf
lsrType |
outer language |
notes |
Mainstream-Chinese, han-yu-N., pei, bei, bai, "wider" mandarin, "chinese"-N. # putong-hua, potin-hua, p'u-t'ung-hua =«commonly understood language». This term has become established in 20th century communist China to describe the official northern Chinese language (hitherto known in English as Mandarin) which is the national language of education and administration in China. The term Putonghua is applied here in a wider sense to describe the northern Chinese language in general, i.e Northern Han-yu (replacing the wider use in English of the term Mandarin) |
lsrCountry |
𝒜 China (Mainland; Taiwan; Macao; Hong Kong); 𝒜 Singapore; Malaysia (peninsula); 𝒜 United Nations; migration>North Korea, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Guam, Australia, Brazil, Paraguay |
scale |
9 |