
A tiny knowledge park.

ID a Name b 52-ABA-c Global-English
ID a 52-ABA-c index
Zone f pdf
Page g 416
LSName h Global-English
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k no
Notes l modern english, linglish, in [51=] Français: l'anglo-américain ⊕ progressive expansion from Great Britain, comprising: first English-speaking circumnavigation of globe in 16th cent.; permanent extension from 17th to Ireland (after decline of earlier Old Anglo-Irish), North America, the Caribbean and Africa, and from 18th to Asia and Australasia; televised globally from late 20th # the proposed form linglish, abbreviated from (globa)l english, has the advantage of stressing this language's role as a global "lingua franca" rather than as the language of a specific country ➤ treated as 23 inner-languages
Scale o 9
23 InnerLanguages • 186 Dialects • 1 ISO-639-Relative
GeoEntity C Earth
23 Nodes assigned
1 52-ABA-ca Standard-English-F.
2 52-ABA-cb British-Colloquial
3 52-ABA-cc Cambrian-English
4 52-ABA-cd Hiberno-English
5 52-ABA-ce Canadian-Traditional
6 52-ABA-cf Northern-States-Traditional
7 52-ABA-cg Midland-States-Traditional
8 52-ABA-ch Southern-States-Traditional
9 52-ABA-ci Talkin-Black
10 52-ABA-cj Northamerican-General
11 52-ABA-ck Hispanic-American-English
12 52-ABA-cl Caribbean-English
13 52-ABA-cm South-Atlantic-English
14 52-ABA-cn Mediterranean + West-Asian-English
15 52-ABA-co West-African-English
16 52-ABA-cp East-African + Indianocean-English
17 52-ABA-cq Southern-Africa-Nenglish
18 52-ABA-cr Euro-South-African-English
19 52-ABA-cs Antipodean-English
20 52-ABA-ct Oceanian-English
21 52-ABA-cu South-Asian-English
22 52-ABA-cv East-Asian-English
23 52-ABA-cw Transnational-English

Requested by at 2024-11-14 15:05:47 Europe/Berlin.
