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ID a Name b 51-AAA-h Gallo + Wallon
ID a 51-AAA-h index
Zone f pdf
Page g 396
LSName h Gallo + Wallon
LSType i outer language
IsNotional k no
Notes l "Peripheral" Oïl, "peripheral" langues d'oïl; part of gallo-romance-N. ⊕ idioms listed clockwise in spiral sequence (excluding Central Oïl, i.e. French), plus "transatlantic" langues d'oïl ; widely submerged < regional forms of [51=] Français translingual < [51=] Français 𝒮 from 9th cent.: Latin script # oïl =Old Gallo-Romance-N.«yes», in opposition to oc =Old Gallo-Romance-S.«yes»
Script n Latin
Scale o 7
17 InnerLanguages • 110 Dialects • 3 ISO-639-Relatives
GeoEntity C France | United Kingdom | Belgium | Luxembourg | Schweiz | Canada | United States
17 Nodes assigned
1 51-AAA-ha Parlange
2 51-AAA-hb Gallo
3 51-AAA-hc Anglo-Normand
4 51-AAA-hd Normand
5 51-AAA-he Picard
6 51-AAA-hf Wallon
7 51-AAA-hg Champaignat
8 51-AAA-hh Lorrain
9 51-AAA-hi Welche
10 51-AAA-hj Jurassien
11 51-AAA-hk Bourguignon
12 51-AAA-hl Morvandiau
13 51-AAA-hm Bourbonnais + Berrichon
14 51-AAA-hn Angevin + Orléanais
15 51-AAA-ho Acadjin
16 51-AAA-hp Cajun
17 51-AAA-hq Canadien

Requested by at 2024-10-06 21:24:40 Europe/Berlin.
